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A Solid Start

Writer's picture: Mamma Bear Mamma Bear

Deciding to start the girls on solids was quite a daunting thought for me. Not because I thought it would be bad for them or anything like that, but as with everything in parenting, this was not such a clear cut process.

I cannot tell you how many 'expert' opinions there are about this. After you allow yourself to listen to all of them you actually don't know what the heck to do and something that should be exciting and fun becomes daunting and scary.

The biggest debate was do you start solids at 4 months or 6 months? You know what I figured out. You actually need to start solids when you can see your little one is ready for solids. I have realized now how each child is so different and how each parenting style is so different. There are some really cool signs to look out for that show that your little one is ready to explore solids and based on that and if you feel you ready to start them - then well, thats the right time.

So my girls have an insatiable appetite and they love their bottle. From as early as 4 months they would always look at us eating and almost try open their mouth or go for the food and try eat it. That is one of the signs that indicate your little one is ready for solids.

Another very influencing reason we decided to start solids was to try and soothe the reflux. (I think I am going to need to do a post just on their reflux because my goodness its been challenging.) Again 'everyone' you speak to says, "Don't worry, start solids and you'll see the reflux will just disappear." I'd like to report, that unfortunately that hasn't been the case for us. The bringing up of milk is now just green or orange in colour from their food and now stains everything.

These were my biggest concerns/queries about starting solids, and what I have done so far:

- Do you introduce one meal at a time and only increase at a later stage?

- What is the first fruit or vegetable you start with?

- Do you have to give the same one for 3 days before mixing and changing?

- Is rice cereal ok to give?

- Are they allowed to have water now?

- How much do you give, what is the quantity?

- Do you give before or after their milk?

So initially I chatted to a few of my mommy friends (which I can just tell you is the saving grace to Mamma-hood) who are also experiencing the same as me and got some insight into what they did. Some introduced the rice cereal and only that for a couple of weeks before introducing veggies or fruit. Some didn't believe in store bought rice cereal and opted to only make fresh veggies and fruit. Others did a combination of both, rice cereal for breakie and a veggie in the evening for a dinner.

The first time they tasted rice cereal they held hands the entire time.

So, I started with rice cereal. I chose the Nestum Rice Cereal just based on feedback other moms had given me. And then also introduced a 'dinner' option and chose to start with butternut. I had only started this for 3/4 days before I had an appointment with my Paed for their 4 month checkup (which was also a week or two late.)

I love my pediatrician, Dr Nelly Stoykova from Parklane Clinic and she really uncomplicated the entire process for me. She believes you give them whatever you have, don't be afraid to add flavors like garlic, cinnamon, leaks etc. you can mix any veggies and fruit together, the more they exposed to the better for them. She also mentioned how starting with orange based veggies like butternut, gems, pumpkin wasn't a great idea, just because then they only become accustomed to those sweet flavors.

So do you see now the confusion and complete over analyzing you constantly do in your head. What is the right way? What is the wrong way? What the F&%$ do I do????

As with most things in this journey, I decided to go with a little from everyones experiences, and ultimately following my gut and listen to my little girls. They can't speak and use their words to tell you things, but if you listen really carefully they really do let you know what works and doesn't work for them.

Here is my take:

- Do you introduce one meal at a time and only increase at a later stage? As soon as I saw my paed I moved over to 3 meals in-between their bottles. So they were waking up at about 4am and I would give them a bottle, then at 8am I would give a bottle and about 30-40 min later I would give breakfast (for breakfast I would give Jungle Oats or Maltabela) then they had their 12pm bottle and lunch so I gave baby marrow and then at their 4pm feed I would give bottle and then dinner, either baby marrow again or carrot, and even gave them kale.

- What is the first fruit or vegetable you start with? I started with butternut those initial days like the books say, but I quite liked the reasoning of my paed about the green veggies first. So really been focusing on these vegetables more.

- Do you have to give the same one for 3 days before mixing and changing? I know all the books and majority of people say you must, but I didn't. I tried to give them a little familiarity but also wanted to give them options - it seems to have worked for me.

- Is rice cereal ok to give? I mean, I don't think its the most nutritious healthiest option. Do I think its probably healthier to make your own - yea absolutely. But in the same breathe I also don't think theres any harm in giving it to them. So on days I just don't have time or can't manage to make a nice warm porridge they have the rice cereal.

- Are they allowed to have water now? This has probably been the most debated topic and the most arguing I have had with people. The older generation have found it absolutely bizarre and ridiculous that I wouldn't give the girls water in the beginning. I just listened to my paed and she said it isn't good to give them water until they atleast start solids. So that is exactly what I did. I want the girls to enjoy their water when they bigger and will keep trying to introduce this to them but glad I didn't force it earlier.

- How much do you give, what is the quantity? This I still battle with. I have a Baby Bullet and I use a bullet portion. I must be honest that most times the girls are still opening their mouth wanting more and then I really start questioning myself but with the milk, the reflux and the food there is a lot happening in those little bodies. For their dinners I usually do 3 bullets and divide between the two of them.

- Do you give before or after their milk? Again this is so different for so many people. Some say you must give before the milk others say you should only give after. So like I mentioned the girls have crazy reflux and really insatiable appetites. So I cannot give before milk because they are too hungry and just scream. So I give milk have to wait a while for all the milk to stop coming up and try give 30-45min later and then yea it doesn't really make a difference to the reflux.

So that is where we are with their food and solids. Every day is a new challenge, and you just need to stay organized and prepare as many frozen portions as possible. I am not sure if its because of the two of them but I am needing to make such big portions to get enough food for a week.

Just enjoy feeding them, enjoy watching them find their confidence and experiencing all these textures and flavors. It really is an amazing time.




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