Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful strong mammas out there. Though I believe that every day should be Mother's Day - I hope you were spoilt and really made to feel so extra special. You are doing such an amazing job and I just hope everyone in your life made you feel exactly that.
There are so many valuable lessons about motherhood that I am learning everyday. One of the main ones is definitely questioning every decision you make and knowing that it may just be the wrong choice, but that you trying and eventually you will get it right. Ultimately everyday before I go to bed and look at their peaceful little faces, I wonder, how well have I done today? Would I have made them proud of me? And then the most important one, would I have made my mamma proud?
Isn't it amazing how it doesn't matter how old you are, or if you are a mother yourself - you always want to make your mom proud. And every time my mom tells me that I am doing a great job it gives me that boost and confidence and just makes me realize I can be a great mamma... I am a great mamma.
But do you know what... the only reason I believe I am a good mother is because I have had the ultimate role model. My mom!
Looking at my two beautiful little girls, I have realized that you have to spend every day making them proud of you. Making them know that they are everything to you and that one day they can be anyone they dream to be. I sit here today now 32 years old and my mom still does that for me.
Now an Avo to 3 beautiful grandchildren, and a mom to me and my brother, my mom still worries about us, showers us with love, supports us without hesitation, helps us look after our children, supports us in raising our children and what I can only say is the ultimate of all those - loves our children more than she could even love her own.
There really is just something so special about sharing this time with your mamma. You not only get to have a glimpse of how your mom was with you when you were little but you get to see how important a role they will play in your children's life.
As each of these days pass and I mold into this mamma that I can only hope is good enough and learn more and more about the type of mamma I one day hope to be. I really do look at my mom and hope I get to be just like her. I hope that one day my little girls get to look at me and say they hope to be a mom to their babies the way their mom was to them.
Love you mom thank you for being the ultimate role model and most incredible mom anyone could ask for. The girls are so blessed to have you as their Avó. xx
