It was the 10th of May 2018 (exactly one year ago) we got the call after waiting the longest 2 hours after the blood tests to hear - "My girl, you did so so good - you are pregnant."
As I write this I get goosebumps all over.
How incredible a moment that even after a year you can still feel like you can relive it and feel every emotion completely consume your entire body.
I think back on that moment, and even then I couldn't truly comprehend how my life was going to change. How being a mom was going to change every fibre in my being and how much I would love my little baby. Or better yet my little babies. xx
It's only now while I write this looking at my little girls sleeping so peacefully that I truly grasp the miracle they are. How blessed I am to be their mom, how blessed I am that my two little girls picked me to be their mamma. It's now whilst I look at their perfect little faces and all 10 of their perfect little toes and beautiful little fingers that I realize truly what a miracle it is to grow these little humans inside of your tummy.
The 10th of May will always be such a special day in our lives. Not only because of it being the day we found out that after all those injections and hormones we were going to be parents. But because today 32 years ago I was christened and today 35 years ago my Big Brother was born, and today 31 years ago my sister in law was born.
How special that when the girls are older I get to tell them that mamma and daddy found out they were going to have them on Tia and Tio's birthday.
Happy Birthday to my incredible Big Brother and just such a beautiful dad to his precious boy Dante. Love you so so much. Then of course to the sister I aways wanted, and now finally have - Happy Birthday Sister love you.
I know many people may not believe this but I believe in miracles, I believe in good energy, I believe in things all happening for a reason and I believe in moments like these - and I'd like to think that God worked His magic and made it on this very special day for a reason.